


11th ICEF 2011

May 22-26, 2011


“Food Process Engineering in a Changing World”

Dear colleagues and friends,

Food Engineers meet every 3-4 years at ICEF, the International Congress on Engineering and Food, that has been established as the major international event in the field.  Greece was awarded by the IAEF delegates the honour and responsibility to organize the next Congress in the series. ICEF 11 will be held in Athens, 22 to 26 May, 2011.

The main objectives of ICEF 11 are to provide the forum for discussion of research results and new scientific knowledge, promote personal contact and synergism, advance interaction between academia and industry and facilitate exchange of information on new processes and equipment. 

The Theme of ICEF 11 will be “Food Process Engineering in a Changing World”. It will explore how food engineering can contribute to the solution of vital problems in a world of increasing population and complexity under severe constraints of limited resources of raw materials, energy and environment.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I invite you to be part of the exciting process of realizing a successful Congress. Mark your calendars and plan early to submit your contributions.

We will be looking forward to welcoming the Food Engineers of the World in Athens in 2011.

The President of IAEF and ICEF 11

George Saravacos

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